Friday, October 14, 2005

Are You a Computer Sleuth?? Volunteer to find owners of Katrina pets online

Very cool. And hey, you don't even need to leave your computer and you can still help!

WANTED: Computer sleuths. Join stealthvolunteers to
help an animal find his or her family.

JOIN stealthvolunteers:

Your computer.

Group for people who would like to search online to
help reunite Katrina
evacuees with their pets. (Previously finding
two-legged family members.)

This is a group for people who would like to search online to help reunite Katrina evacuees with their pets. (We previously were finding two-legged family members.)

WE ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR OWNERS! We can not help you if you are looking for a pet. We wish you luck, but this is not the right place for you.

It is only for people who are VERY comfortable with a computer and who are willing to call all over the country chasing down leads. You will be assigned to an animal with *some* ID and you will attempt to track the owner based on that ID. (IF you can't call people for some reason, we do have a Phone Buddy where other people make your calls.)

This is a working list, not a lot of chit-chat although you are welcome to discuss search techniques and websites. NO 0ff-topic discussion. Our topic is finding evacuee owners. Basically I will assign an animal to you and you take it from there. It is primarily dogs as cats don't often have collars. You can learn about the methods on our website

You need to be approved to join only as a precaution against spammers. If you join, I will approve you. Everyone will be approved. As soon as you join, you will get a Welcome document. This is a set of instructions which you must read or you will be hopelessly confused!

GO TO to see how to handle cases.

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